Friday, January 20, 2012

Is there a Japanese translator online thats translates from the English phonetic to the English meaning?

So if I typed in "Ohayo" it would answer "Good Morning". I always use babelfish but it can't do this i dont think.|||You mean romanji (japanese words romanized) as opposed to kanji, katagana, or hiragana characters.

"Ohayo Gozaimasu" is "good morning".

This might work:…

Best thing to do is google "romanji to english translator/translation". Click on links and try out different translators. But most likely, you'll end up with a sentence that doesn't make sense.|||No, there isn't.

Online Japanese-English, English-Japanese translators only work with Japanese script.

You must type in the Japanese script and that will give you a translation.

Example, type in "おはよう” (ohayou) and it will translate it to: Good morning.

However, ONLINE TRANSLATORS DO NOT WORK! They give false, inaccurate translations. I strongly advise you NOT to use online translators. I can't stress this enough.

If you need a Japanese to English, English to Japanese translation, ask on Yahoo! Answers and people here will translate it properly. But online translators DO NOT WORK.

Hope this helps,


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